Renewable energy projects are an increasing sector in our portfolio and include solar farms and wind turbines. These different forms of renewable energy come with unique ecological issues, such as collision risk impacts on bats and birds. Collision Risk Modelling (CRM) for birds and emerging research on risks to bats from wind turbines are needed to assess impacts on vulnerable species and are detailed in industry standard guidelines published by Scottish Natural Heritage, Natural England, UK Renewables and the British Wind Energy Association.
The assessment of an experienced ecologist is vital to support and interpret the results for renewable energy projects, which is a relatively new sector in ecological consultancy. Pure Ecology and our associates provide specialist ecological and ornithological advice and assessment for onshore wind schemes. We closely follow the renewable energy industry and the emerging ecological guidance. Our associates at Windrush Ecology are currently developing a research project into the impact of solar farms on skylarks and other ground nesting birds.