Tree Climbing Surveys for Newbury Flood Alleviation Schem
The project The Newbury flood alleviation scheme was a £2m Environment Agency project and made up of flood defence work at 5 locations throughout Newbury town centre. The new defences reduce the risk of river flooding to the town to a 1-in-100 chance of flooding in any 1 year.
Our involvement Pure Ecology provides specialist surveys of trees for roosting bats using tree-climbing. Our ecologists are licenced by Natural England to survey for bats in all counties of England and Wales and are LANTRA trained in tree-climbing and aerial rescue. The Newbury flood alleviation scheme is an example of the specialist tree climbing service we can provide clients. It is particularly beneficial for scoping sites with large numbers of trees to provide a detailed appraisal of the bat roost potential within woodland and parkland. We can also advise on advanced survey methods to further assess the tree roost resource of a site if significant impacts are identified and a comprehensive evaluation is required.