Planning Submission for Development of Lower Rhydd

The project Planning permission for a new single dwelling at Lower Rhydd, a disused property with an extensive garden that is situated in open countryside. Planning permission for development of the site had previously been refused and following the dismissal of an appeal, which included protected species as a main reason for refusal, the applicant Four Acres Trust engaged the services of Pure Ecology.
Our involvement We were able to quickly and efficiently address protected species issues that were raised by a previous ecological appraisal and develop a habitat enhancement plan to realize the ecological potential of the site. The scheme required a Phase 1 habitat survey, bat survey and dormouse habitat appraisal. The ecological mitigation strategy developed with the landscape plan produced a layout with formally managed gardens around the new house and an informal ‘wildlife-friendly’ garden within the wider site. It included creation of new habitats including a pond and new hedgerows.